Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Embarking on a new phase in my life.
Our youngest, Lucas, is now 2 which gives me a little more freedom and has me looking in new directions. Just before Lucas was born I was working full time in the
event & party industry which is a passion that seems to have taken up residence inside of me.
It won't go away . . .
So I will continue with it . . .
Besides, it's good . . .
I like it . . .
 I love it . . .
I don't think I will ever NOT produce events or parties . . .
Just another thing that makes me, me!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

san francisco

From the gorgeous hilltop chapel in Tiburon, to making-out in a big tree at Lake Tahoe, here are a few pics of our trip (without kids, I might add . . .) to San Francisco a couple of weeks ago. It's long over due and with everything else on our plate I really don't have the energy for captions . . .
enjoy la famille bizarre without kids! (seriously our first trip without kids since we got married)

Ok, I have to write a caption for this picture of Noelle . . .
My family knows I absolutely love caramel apples and m&m's are my favorite candy . . . When I found this caramel apple smothered in m&m's at Dean & Delucas in Napa, I knew it would be the perfect afternoon snack for me and Noelle. So of course I took special care of it the whole flight home just so we could cram our mouths full of m&ms while caramel sticks to our teeth . . .yum yum!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

remodeling :: mellow yellow


I have a friend that painted her front door yellow a couple of years ago. I was in love with her "bachelorette meets anthropolie" style that gave her cute house a modern, yet sleek, look. I wanted my home (especially the exterior) to reflect my style too, but unfortunately, my first house with my husband was also his first house with his first wife. That's life and I lived with it . . .

But now with our new home, we have a fresh start, and the ability
 to make this traditional house a stylish home.

Throughout this remodel, we've had plenty of design conflicts but I knew that I had to have a yellow front door. With plenty of white traditional homes in the area, our friends will be sure to acknowledge our home as well as our "modern traditional style."

Though I thought it would be another hard battle trying to convince Eric of this crazy color choice, these inspiring pictures did the work for me and sealed the deal to the 
first yellow front door in our traditional neighborhood! 



Monday, October 5, 2009

modern mom monday

I pretty much forgot that it was Monday today. I've been consumed with all of our taxes!!! Yes, it's not enough that we're super busy with our house, but we've got to get our taxes done before we leave for San Francisco this Friday.
I've taken a break from all of the crazy receipts to share my latest craving.

I love this book! I crawled in a corner in Barnes and Nobles the day I discovered it and almost looked through every single craft . . .while dreaming of the days that I could actually work on some of those cool projects. I noticed recently that Urban Outfitters is carrying it online now too! But I'm gonna wait to buy it because I know myself too well . . . I will put everything important aside in order to test every project!

This is another super chic book from urbn. I was flipping through the other one called "All About Me" when I realized Eric and I could go through this book together! It's the couples version . . . an attempt to bring us all closer, I guess. OH SO COOL! I'm so curious to know what our answers are going to be. But no matter what it could definitely shake things up around here and get our mind off of our crazy remodeling!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

weekly dose

So I haven't blogged in a couple of weeks and for good reasons, of course. The usual house remodeling has continued to consume our lives. But this past week has proved another trying week for us as Noelle and Eric have both had the flu and Lucas has battled high temps all week due to his 2 yr molars. We've been pretty busy with the daily grind but we did manage to take some time to ourselves and enjoy life a bit. This is our week in pictures. Enjoy!

Ok, so there is a crazy blue line underneath this picture of Noelle and I have no idea why. Anyway, this is that precious step-daughter of mine right before her first middle school dance. I can't believe she's in 6th grade this year and already making some great middle school memories. And of course she's stylin' with her black skinny jeans. She was so excited!
(Couple of days before her Doc told her she had to be out of school for a week)

All of our Filipino friends wanted to go see Journey in concert which was amazing! I haven't been to a concert in awhile (which is an old favorite pastime of mine) so for a minute there I felt like the free spirit that I use to be.

Ok, so you are laughing at me because of all of the concerts to feel like a free spirit, why Journey, right?
Well, not only was the new Filipino front man, Arnel, unbelievable, but their opening act was Night Ranger. I had no idea that I knew Night Ranger, but apparently I know all of their songs which brought back some great memories while making new ones.

We have been meeting up with friends on Saturday mornings to ride some bike trails which has been so stinkin' fun! We're really started to get into it now. . .

The river is the ugly dark brown part behind us . . . but look at that crazy white sand on the far bank! Who knew southeast texas had white sand on their rivers?

Unfortunately there is white sand on a lot of the trails too . . .
I was peddling along and my chain snapped while we were out in the middle of the woods. Eric and I had to walk our bikes about 2 miles back to the cars. Crazy!
But I love this picture I took of Eric while walking with my bike chain in his hand! Ha!
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