Thursday, December 31, 2009

new years eve morning . . .

This is what I woke up to this morning . . .
no room for mama bear!
But I LOVE my family!
Can't wait to see what 2010 has in store for us!

Monday, December 7, 2009

fall wreath

Sadly,  I haven't decorated for Christmas yet. We finally finished putting up our neighborhood Christmas Trees outside in the yard and hung a wreath on the front door, but all of our Christmas decor is sadly still packed away and pushed in a corner of Lucas' bedroom . . . along with all of Eric's 6 boxes of sweaters with no where to store. I haven't even taken them down the stairs since retrieving them from the back of the attic. Since we're still trying to finish up with the painting downstiars, there is no point in making a mess yet. So that being said, my fall wreaths (which were never hung up because our painting wasn't done) have taken up residence in our bedroom. I was thinking I would just put them back in the attic when I put the empty Christmas decor boxes back up there. . .but obviously that hasn't happened. Since I wasn't able to share these wreaths with my neighborhood, I will share them with the world! Next year they will be grand once they make it to the front and back doors but right now they are just reminders that not only did November come and go but it's 7 December 2009 and I'm dying to decorate for Christmas!

remodeling :: keep truckin'

"keep truckin'"
So I stole that quote from my older brother . . . it's his favorite!
But I've had it in my head for the past couple of weeks. We thought we'd already have our furniture moved in downstairs and we're anxiously scurring around trying to complete some of the small details so we can make that move a reality.
Senior "Saggy Pants" Hector taking his time drying paint samples for me.
The painters took a little longer than we thought and I had a bit of a meltdown when we realized that the paint we saved from upstiars had been tampered with which meant the paint codes didn't work. (with one room left to paint) Our paint didn't even remotely resemble the rest of the house (the whole house is the same gray color except for our white kitchen) but after a few days of tears and frustration, an angel at Home Depot was able to match our color exactly! So, the painters said their goodbyes and in came the floor guy ready to stain all of the floors.


Are you kidding me? He knew we just paid thousands of dollars for all of the interior and exterior paint and then he nonchalantly screws it up! But don't worry, he quickly realized who his mamma was when I put my foot down on any payments being made to him until he helped with the painting. Well, why in the world did I think that a guy that does floors for a living would have a clue about painting. He showed up with a sponge paintbrush from a craft store and a teenage boy that doesn't speak english. Ha Ha Ha
Needless to say, we are still working on touch up paint which ultimately turned into me and Eric re-painting all of the baseboards. We should have moved in a week ago but of course after a year of this, you'd think that I would have learned, nothing goes according to plan around here.

"keep truckin'"

Friday, December 4, 2009

coastal snow

Who would have thought that snow would reach down to the Texas coast . . .
It was quiet a refreshing surprise to drive around town today with snow flurries fluttering down through the traffic and then to pull up in the driveway and find our home draped with a thin blanket of snow!

What a way to start the Christmasa season . . .
forget moving furniture in downstairs, now I just want to put up my Christmas tree!

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