Welcome to ‘la famille bizarre.’ My life (and my 3 yr marriage) has proven to be anything but normal. I'm a workaholic, turned stay-at-home that is still trying to come to grips with being a full time mom. I'm spinning in my tracks as I try to keep up with my Filipino husband, raising my 12 yr. old "texting tween" step-daughter, teaching our 2 yr. old toddler to eat his veggies and helping with my in-laws who have moved into our garage apt. On top of all of this, we've recently moved to a new town and we're consumed with our total home remodeling project while also living in it . . . All I want to do is anything and everything creative and dream of having the life of other bloggers! Although I secretly dream of living in a picturesque French movie, ‘la famille bizarre’ is my honest interpretation of my beloved middle class reality.