Thursday, July 9, 2009


                     Lucas was supposed to be taking a nap after his afternoon swim and Noelle and her friend Abby were still swimming away. I thought I would catch up on some things so I brought my computer outside by the pool so I could multi-task while watching the girls. 

As soon as I sat down to conquer a few things my skype immediately started blinking. Much to my amazement my very bestest friend (and cousin) Lins was skyping me! I was so excited! Unfortunately I don't have the "new apple" with the "cool camera." I've got the old school PowerBook G4 and of course my camera is packed away somewhere in no man's land. So we began to chat (our only option for the moment) and then all of a sudden I wasn't able to hear her at all! She's got the "cool apple" so I could watch her . . .it became so confusing for us both but we laughed the whole time just like the good 'ol times. She couldn't see me but could hear me and I could see her but couldn't hear her . . .It was the craziest and weirdest skype of my life. But we both managed even through the laughter to carry on a conversation and catch up on our crazy lives even with her being across the world. 

Lins ( is an amazing woman who is in South Africa doing some mission work with YWAM. She has traveled with YWAM all over the world and carries back her emotional and unbelievably great photography for us all to see. I have two of her beautiful pieces of work framed in our apartment right now. There is not a day that goes by that I don't look at those two pictures as not only a reminder to pray for her, but also to pray for those who live oceans and seas apart from me. I often ponder who is standing in that area right now. What life is breathing there? Are they having a good day or a troubled day? Are they in love or in despair? We get so comfortable in our own lives that we forget that there is a whole world out there that needs our prayers!

I miss her so much and feel so blessed to have something as great as skype that we can catch up and pretend that she's just around the corner. If she could have seen me she would have seen me with a full on "mother do." Here are my pics of my skyping moment by the pool . . .

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